 CHEN Yi-hong,L? Gui-lan.Application value of nutritional assessment tools in critical care nephrology[J].PARENTERAL & ENTERAL NUTRITION,2021,(04):242-246.[doi:10.16151/j.1007-810x.2021.04.011]





Application value of nutritional assessment tools in critical care nephrology
陈艺虹 12吕桂兰2
1.南京大学医学院,江苏南京 210093;2.东部战区总医院国家肾脏疾病临床医学研究中心,江苏南京 210002
CHEN Yi-hong12 L? Gui-lan2
1. Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing 210093, Jiangsu, China;2. National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing 210002, Jiangsu, China
重症肾脏病 营养评估 营养不良 急性肾损伤
Critical care nephrology Nutritional assessment Malnutrition Acute kidney injury
重症肾脏病是 20世纪 90年代提出的新兴概念,重症肾脏病病人营养不良发生率高,与死亡风险升高显著相关,因此早期评估重症肾脏病病人的营养状态至关重要。目前国内外开发了多种营养评估工具,而鲜有研究将其应用于重症肾脏病领域。本文通过分析重症肾脏病病人营养不良风险的相关因素,比较了常见营养评估工具在重症肾脏病领域应用的优势和局限性,并为临床选择合适的营养评估工具给出建议。
Critical care nephrology is a new concept proposed in the 1990s. Patients with severe kidney disease have a high incidence of malnutrition, which is significantly associated with an increased risk of death. Therefore, it is crucial to assess nutritional status of patients with severe kidney disease as soon as possible. Currently, a variety of nutritional assessment tools have been developed, but their application in the field of critical care nephrology is still in its infancy. Therefore, in view of the particularity of the patients, this paper compares the advantages and limitations of common nutritional assessment tools in the field of critical care nephrology and provides suggestions for the clinical selection of appropriate assessment tools.


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基金项目 :东部战区总医院院管课题(2016027) 作者简介 :陈艺虹,护理硕士研究生,主要从事临床肾脏病护理及血液净化护理。E-mail:sxcjs@foxmail.com 通讯作者 :吕桂兰,E-mail:2271500539@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01