 SUN Wen-jing,XIE Li-ling.Progress on risk prediction of aspiration in elderly nasal feeding patients with chronic diseases[J].PARENTERAL & ENTERAL NUTRITION,2020,(02):121-124,128.[doi:10.16151/j.1007-810x.2020.02.013]





Progress on risk prediction of aspiration in elderly nasal feeding patients with chronic diseases
重庆医科大学附属第一医院护理部,重庆 400016
SUN Wen-jing XIE Li-ling
Nursing Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016,China
鼻饲 风险预测 研究进展
Nasal feeding Early-warning mechanism Progress
本文阐述了老年慢性病鼻饲病人误吸原因、影响因素筛选方法、风险预测方法,提出了目前老年慢性 病鼻饲病人误吸风险预测存在的不足及展望,旨在进一步完善老年慢性病鼻饲病人误吸风险预警机制,为构建老 年慢性病鼻饲病人误吸风险预测模型提供参考。
This article retrospectively reviewed the reasons of aspiration in elderly nasal feeding patients with chronic diseases and screened methods of influencing factors and risk prediction. We found out the shortcomings and prospects of the current aspiration risk prediction methods, aiming to improve the early warning mechanism of aspiration risk and provide reference for the establishment of aspiration risk prediction model of elderly nasal feeding patients with chronic diseases.


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基金项目 :重庆市教委护理学十三五重点学科资助项目(2019hlxk13) 作者简介 :孙文静,护师,硕士研究生在读,老年及慢性病护理。E-mail:1223183382@qq.com 通讯作者 :谢莉玲,582570124@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01