 WANG Hao-yang,GAO Xue-jin,Maitiabula Gulisudumu,et al.Application and success factor analysis of placing nasointestinal tube under bedside electromagnetic navigation in elderly patients[J].PARENTERAL & ENTERAL NUTRITION,2024,(06):353-358.[doi:10.16151/j.1007-810x.2024.06.006]





Application and success factor analysis of placing nasointestinal tube under bedside electromagnetic navigation in elderly patients
王浩阳高学金古丽苏杜姆·麦提阿卜拉章 黎史益凡王新颖
南京大学医学院附属金陵医院/东部战区总医院 普通外科研究所,江苏南京 210002
WANG Hao-yang GAO Xue-jin Maitiabula Gulisudumu ZANG Li SHI Yi-fan WANG Xin-ying
Research Institute of General Surgery, Jinling Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210002, Jiangsu, China
老年病人 床边电磁导航仪 鼻肠管 置管方法 肠内营养
Elderly patients Bedside electromagnetic navigation device Nasointestinal tube Placement method Enteral nutrition
目的:探讨在老年病人中床边电磁导航下放置鼻肠管的安全性和有效性,探索置管成功相关因素。 方法:回顾性分析2021年6月1日至2024年1月31日在东部战区总医院普通外科进行的老年病人床边电磁导航下鼻肠管置管操作记录,对置管相关指标及置管成功相关因素进行统计分析。 结果:共纳入163例老年病人,总置管成功率为87.7%,平均置管时间为(18.5 ± 18.9)min,平均置管长度为(104.6 ± 9.8)cm,置管相关并发症发生率为1.8%。置管成功相关因素有慢性病作为主诊断(P = 0.0196),术前放置胃管(P = 0.0060)和术前使用促胃肠动力药(P = 0.0268)。 结论:床边电磁导航下放置鼻肠管对于老年病人是一种高效并安全的幽门后置管方法。慢性病人置管成功率高。术前放置胃管和术前使用促胃肠动力药可能有助于置管。
Objective: To explore the safety and effectiveness of placing nasointestinal tubes under bedside electromagnetic navigation in elderly patients, and to investigate the factors related to successful nasointestinal tube placement. Method: A retrospective analysis was conducted on the records of all elderly patients undergoing nasointestinal tube placement under bedside electromagnetic navigation at General Hospital Of Eastern Theater Command from June 1, 2021 to January 31, 2024. Statistical analysis was performed on the relevant indicators of the placement tube and the factors related to successful placement. Result: A total of 163 elderly patients were included, with a total success rate of 87.7%, an average placement time of (18.5 ± 18.9)min, an average inserted nasal intestinal tube length of (104.6 ± 9.8)cm, and a placement-related complications rate of 1.8%. The factors related to successful placement include chronic disease as the main diagnosis (P = 0.0196), preoperative placement of a gastric tube (P = 0.0060), and preoperative use of prokinetic drugs (P = 0.0268). Conclusion: Placing nasointestinal tubes under bedside electromagnetic navigation is an efficient and safe method for placing nasointestinal tubes in elderly patients. The success rate of placement in chronic patients is higher. Preoperative placement of a gastric tube and use of prokinetic drugs may help with tube placement.


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基金项目 :江苏省科技计划社会发展——临床前沿技术项目(BE2022822);国家自然科学基金面上项目(82370900)作者简介 :王浩阳,医学硕士研究生,主要从事临床营养相关研究。E-mail:1321149926@qq.com通讯作者 :王新颖,E-mail:wangxinying@nju.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01