[1]张宏宇,江利冰,王海龙,等.使用血管活性药物重症病人肠内营养实施的进展[J].肠外与肠内营养杂志,2024,(03):176-183.[doi:DOI : 10.16151/j.1007-810x.2024.03.009]
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Progress in enteral nutrition implementation in critically ill patientsreceiving vasoactive medications
张宏宇江利冰王海龙许永安王承妃阮 峰齐文旗左素敏徐善祥
浙江大学医学院附属第二医院急诊医学科/全省严重烧创伤诊治与应急救援重点实验室/浙江省急危重症临床医学研究中心,浙江杭州 310009
ZHANG Hong-yu JIANG Li-bing WANG Hai-long XU Yong-an WANG Cheng-fei RUANFeng QI Wen-qi ZUO Su-min XU Shan-xiang
Department of Emergency Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School ofMedicine/Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Trauma, Burn, and Medical Rescue/Zhejiang Critical andCritical Care Clinical Medical Research Center, Hangzhou 310009, Zhejiang, China
肠内营养 血管活性药物 重症病人 实施策略
Enteral nutrition Vasoactive medications Critically ill patients Implementation strategies
DOI : 10.16151/j.1007-810x.2024.03.009
Nutritional therapy is a core component of critically ill patient management, and the enteral route hasbecome the preferred method due to its dual roles of nutrition and non-nutrition. The use of vasoactive medicationsmakes enteral nutrition decisions more challenging for these patients. This review systematically examines thepathophysiological effects of vasoactive medications on gastrointestinal tract of critically ill patients, the current valueand safety of enteral nutrition in this patient’s population, summarizes the optimal strategies for implementing enteralnutrition in these patients for clinical reference.


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基金项目 :浙江省自然科学基金项目(LQ20H150006);浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目(2024ky092)作者简介 :张宏宇,住院医师,医学硕士,主要从事危重症营养研究。E-mail:284282089@qq.com通讯作者 :江利冰,E-mail:2515168@zju.edu.cn共同通讯作者 :徐善祥,E-mail:2201027@zju.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01