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Effects of enteral nutrition with high nutritional quality index on elderly patientswith acute heart failure
卞月梅 1金 军 2吴玉泉 3管成倩 4徐俊松 3
杭州市第九人民医院,1.营养科;2.老年病科,浙江杭州 311225;中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九〇三医院,3.老年病科;4.营养科,浙江杭州 310013
BIAN Yue-mei1 JIN Jun2 WU Yu-quan3 GUAN Cheng-qian4 XU Jun-song3
1. Department of Nutrition;2.Department of Geriatrics,Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospital,Hangzhou311225, Zhejiang, China.3.Department of Geriatrics;4.Department of Nutrition,The 9th hospital of PLAJoint Support Force Hospital,Hangzhou 310013, Zhejiang, China
高INQ 肠内营养 高龄急性心衰 临床疗效
High INQ Enteral nutrition Acute heart failure in the elderly Clinical efficacy
DOI : 10.16151/j.1007-810x.2024.02.004
目的:观察高营养质量指数(INQ)型肠内营养对高龄急性心衰病人临床疗效的影响。 方法:将70例来自杭州市第九人民医院和中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九〇三医院老年病科的有营养风险需行鼻饲喂养的高龄急性心衰病人随机分为观察组和对照组各35例,对照组采用标准配方的肠内营养治疗,观察组采用高INQ型肠内营养治疗。干预4周,比较两组病人鼻饲喂养能量及蛋白质供给量、肠外营养使用量、营养指标、心功能指标、胃肠不良反应发生率等的差异。 结果:干预后,观察组鼻饲喂养能量及蛋白质供给量明显高于对照组(P <0.05),肠外营养使用量明显低于对照组(P < 0.05),差异具有统计学意义;两组营养指标及心功能指标均较干预前显著改善,干预后观察组病人营养状况优于对照组(P < 0.05),而两组干预期间胃肠不良反应发生率无明显统计学差异(P > 0.05)。 结论:高INQ型肠内营养更易满足高龄心衰病人的目标营养需求,减少肠外营养使用量,有利于改善病人营养状况,促进心功能的恢复。
Objective: To observe the effects of high index of nutritional quality (INQ) enteral nutrition onclinical outcomes in elderly patients with acute heart failure. Methods: 70 elderly patients with acute heart failure whohad nutritional risk and needed nasal-feeding from the Department of Geriatrics of Hangzhou Ninth People’s Hospitaland the 903 Hospital of PLA Joint Support Force Hospital were randomly divided into observation group (n = 35) andcontrol group (n = 35). Patients in the observation group was treated with high INQ enteral nutrition. After 4 weeks ofintervention, the difference of energy and protein supply, parenteral nutrition use, nutrition index, cardiac function indexand incidence of gastrointestinal adverse reaction were compared between the two groups. Results: After intervention,the energy and protein supply of nasal-feeding in the observation group were significantly higher than those in thecontrol group (P < 0.05) , and the amount of parenteral nutrition used in the observation group was significantly lowerthan that in the control group (P < 0.05). The nutritional indexes and cardiac function indexes of the two groups weresignificantly improved compared with those before intervention, and the nutritional status of the patients in theobservation group was improved more significantly (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence ofgastrointestinal adverse reactions between the two groups (P > 0.05) . Conclusion: High INQ enteral nutrition can meet the nutritional requirements of elderly patients with heart failure, reduce the use of parenteral nutrition, improve thenutritional status, and promote the recovery of cardiac function.


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基金项目 :杭州市医药卫生科技项目(A20220533)作者简介 :卞月梅,主管营养师,从事临床营养工作。E-mail:617567836@qq.com通讯作者 :金 军,E-mail:hangzhoujiu@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01